Watch Chaka Khan and Stevie Wonder perform at Prince tribute
Prince was honoured with a tribute concert lasting almost five hours in his homestate of Minnesota yesterday evening. The gig, at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, featured a cast of 15 performers i…
Prince How Thursday’s Prince tribute was saved: Concert promoter ‘put Humpty Dumpty back together again’ Stevie Wonder, left, and Tori Kelly will perform Thursday for the official Prince tribute. — Ma…
Mikiki | プリンスはなぜ世界を変えた? 沼澤尚&森俊之がNOTHING BUT THE FUNKの出会いとミネアポリスのグルーヴ革命を紐解く(1/2) | INTERVIEW | JAPAN
プリンス の急死がいまだ大きな影を落とすなか、彼の音楽遺産を受け継ぐ日米混合ファンク・バンド、 NOTHING BUT THE FUNK (以下:NBTF)が約3年ぶりに再集結。10月13日(木)、16日(日)にBillboard Live TOKYO、10月14日(金)に広島CLUB QUATTRO、10月15日(土)にBillboard Live OSAKAでそれぞれライヴを行う。 日本を代表…
Prince’s vault of unreleased music reportedly on sale for $35 million
A deluxe edition of 1984’s Purple Rain could be released in early 2017. Prince’s massive vault of unreleased recordings is reportedly up for sale for as much as $35 million. According to Billboard , …